I met a Singaporean guy, who loves cyber sex activities ..
Well, he added me ; and you know la what is his intention ..
He even show me his naked bottom body on the web cam, which at first i thought he was just joking .. Shit, that *he is not* ..
And of course a normal girl reaction is to close it down ..
End up, i did not delete or block him .. instead, i started to talk to him and advise him ..
Lol i know is weird, but somehow i dunno why i just keep chatting with him . Asking why do he have to do this . He is not a bad guy after all, just guess he is lost somewhere in his life . Funny thing is that, he actually do thank me for the advise and said I'm a nice girl :D hahah . And after a long long chat , we just delete each other . Just in case he come bothering me again and also for him I'm not his target anymore cause i just blew him up hahaha .
Btw, he has a nice body :)